Monday, June 5, 2017

June 5 - self-portrait

I dyed my hair red for a play when I was a senior in high school. In the almost 30 years since then, my hair has been its natural color SOMETIMES, but for the most part, at least some portion of it has been treated. My mom's theory was always, psh, it'll grow out. So I've gotten to play with my hair a LOT. It's been neon banana, flat black, red, blue, green, pink, purple ...

And I've learned to love the curls that were the bane of my existence in pre-internet times. Thank goodness for the internet's treasure trove of info regarding curly hair.

I mean, I still can't style it for shit, but at least it's not the weirdo picked-out and hair-sprayed coif I rocked (well, Muzaked) in high school.

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